Yoga For Mental Flexibility

Our minds never rest, often problem solving & planning, even when we sleep. As they get caught up in the demands of daily life we often become rigid and stiff in trying to constantly adapt. Learn to bring the benefits of yoga off your mat and into your life. Davina draws on 2 decades of yoga experience and 15 years working in mental health. Her classes are designed specifically to help you take yoga off the mat by bringing more mental and emotional flexibility into your life. These yoga classes are structured through Davina's experience in using evidence-based practices in ACT and CBT to assist with building a flexible and resilient mental wellbeing. They focus on expanding self-awareness, engaging in active mindfulness and compassion to infuse your life with an increased sense of calm and vitality.
Small group (max 4) classes are currently offered in Milton. Bookings essential. Contact Davina for more information and bookings.

Family Yoga
For adults wanting to support their young children developing mindfulness, self-confidence and connection with mind and body. Classes are for parents & caregivers with their children (3-11 years) to learn the basics of yoga postures, movement and calm focus. Learning through exploration and structure in a safe environment, these classes focus on enjoying yoga with emphasis on literacy & communication, coordination & balance, and body and emotion awareness. Community classes are currently being offered at no cost at Teneriffe Community Place. As these classes are held in Teneriffe near the riverwalk, a connection with fresh air and meeting new friends is encouraged for those with spare time after class.
For more information Contact Davina or book online.